The team at HealthLock is committed to helping you protect the security of your healthcare information. But while we can monitor your bills for signs of fraud, there are some…
Protecting Your Privacy, Part 6: What is Your Provider Doing?
We built HealthLock to help protect your medical privacy and keep your sensitive healthcare information secure. We use powerful AI technology to keep an eye on your medical bills, which…
Protecting Your Privacy, Part 4: Properly Disposing of Your Medical Records
The team at HealthLock is dedicated to protecting the security of your medical data. We utilize powerful AI technology to make sure your information is protected, but there are steps…
Protecting Your Privacy In the Age of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way we see and interact with our healthcare providers and insurance companies. This, along with the mass digitization of healthcare files, means it’s…